The Right Livelihood Award – The Alternative Nobel

The Right Livelihood Award - The Alternative Nobel Three jailed Saudi human rights defenders have been named winners of “The Right Livelihood Award”, known as the “Alternative Nobel” award, along with two Latin American anti-corruption…

Swachhata Hi Seva Campaign Launched

'Swachhata Hi Seva' campaign that aims at generating greater public participation towards Swachhta was launched by Prime Minister, Narendra Modi on Saturday September 15, in the run up to the 4th anniversary of the Swachh Bharat Mission on…

Why India must improve its Education System

The building blocks of any country are its future citizens. If a country fails to provide quality education to its children and youth, then it’s only jeopardizing its future because progress in education is the foundation to build a skilled…

Pluto should be a Planet – Recent Study

Pluto should be a planet again, researchers including Philips Metzger, a planetary scientist at the University of Central Florida’s Space Institute, in a new study published online in the journal Icarus on Wednesday September 5, 2018,…

Indian Defence Services – An Exciting Career Option

Indian Defence Services – An Exciting Career Option The youth of today are highly ambitious and sensitive about making a career choice. Mentally sharp and clinically precise - the new breed of Indian teenagers is seldom ingenuous or naive.…

NTA JEE Main 2019 to give Two Chances in the Same Year

In the dynamic landscape of higher education, the National Testing Agency (NTA) has ushered in a new era for engineering and architecture aspirants through the Joint Entrance Examination - JEE Main. This comprehensive guide aims to navigate…

Nobel Prize for Medicine 2018 for work on Cancer Therapy

Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine 2018 has been won by two immunologists James P Allison of the MD Anderson Cancer Centre, USA, and Tasuku Honjo from the Kyoto University, Japan, who discovered how to harness the body’s immune system…