Civil Engineering vs. Electrical Engineering: Which One is Right For You?

If you are trying to decide whether you should major in civil engineering or electrical engineering, you may well desire to know more about both of these two branches of engineering. This article will give you an idea about each major and help you determine which one is right for you.

Civil engineers develop buildings, bridges, tunnels, and roads. Electrical engineers work on anything related to the generation of electricity or the involvement of an electrical power supply.

After completing a civil engineering course at a civil engineering college in India you can get a degree in civil engineering and if you complete an electrical engineering course at an electrical engineering college in India, you can become an electrical engineer.

Many things are to be considered when deciding between Civil Engineering vs Electrical Engineering degrees. Below, are particulars about each major, their differences, and motives to select one or the other.

Facts about the civil engineering degree


According to the pay scale, the average pay for a civil engineer is higher than the average pay for most engineers with other majors. But it is much lower than the engineers with majors like computer engineering and electrical engineering.


Civil engineering could be considered a safe major since there will forever be buildings, stadiums, highways, dams, etc to be built. Consequently, if you can get a job in civil engineering, it is usually regarded as a comparatively secure job to have.

On the other hand, it can be difficult to come across an entry-level job and the pay is somewhat lower than other majors like computer engineering and electrical engineering. Furthermore, because you will be constructing structures that are to be used by many people and that will cost a lot of money, it can be an extremely stressful job, particularly in the initial years.


Civil engineering is a challenging degree, which will entail a great deal of mathematics comprising calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra. It will also include some physics and engineering classes that can be demanding. There will also be loads of lab classes involving many projects.

Facts about the electrical engineering degree


According to the pay scale, the average pay of a bachelor’s degree holder in electrical engineering is considerably higher than the testified pay for most other branches including civil engineering.


It is reported that the requirement for electrical engineers will increase by 5% between 2019 and 2029. This is a little higher than the average development across all jobs. It is stated that the growing demand for things like semiconductors, solar arrays, and communications technologies will push the need for electrical engineers.


Electrical engineering involves various mathematics. The theories in the electrical engineering classes can also be very tough. Because of this, you can anticipate electrical engineering to be a very demanding major. You can suppose electrical engineering to be equally testing to civil engineering, which is also a hard major.

Responsibilities of an Electrical Engineer Vs Civil Engineer:

Engineers devise ways to resolve problems. In their projects, they must take into account aspects like cost, efficiency, welfare, and other parameters described by project requirements. Civil engineers work on ventures that encompass infrastructures like roads, bridges, sewage treatment, and water supply. Electrical engineers work on schemes that include electrical components like navigation systems and wireless communication devices. Irrespective of the type of plan or type of engineer, sound math and analytical skills are needed to be effective.


On the whole, both civil engineering and electrical engineering are branches that have good job opportunities. They both have comparable job development and a parallel number of overall jobs so it should be equally hard to locate a job in each field. However, electrical engineering does have a higher average testified pay. While coming to a decision, it would help to think about what you would most be involved in working on.

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